When you look for the word "préliminaire", you discover that google search recognizes only one meaning for it, and turns the singular to the plural and fastly redirects you to Eve Ensler. Whilst you are looking for the difference between preliminary and liminary.
Liminary: Please note that the photographies that appear on this pages were taken on a rainy day darkened by thick clouds in a narrow street in two small rooms. Perspectives and colors are false. Not my fault.
François Bouët and Joan Beall are both professional artists and charming hosts. If you wish to thank me for those enlightnings insights on a serious cultural life, and for my remarkable english prose, you are welcome to send some ink on tracing paper or scratch drawing from Mr. Bouët, or some linocut (tree, fall) from Mrs. Beall.
François Bouët is born last century in the duchy of Uzès, and studied Arts in the roman city of Nîmes. Under the direction of the illustrious Claude Viallat, the Art school was strongly reorientated toward contemporary art. François Bouët was interested by graphism, communication. He left the school, watched around (on Robert Crumb's work, on the polish posters...), practiced intensively and worked. He plays music, too. He decided to focus on his artistic carreer some years ago. Thierry Arcaix qualified him in 2010 of Living local treasure and let's bet he isn't alone. François Bouët is multi-talented and special. He has presented works in the main public library, in an hotel, in a garage, in an independant cinema... each time, a different face of his work. To have an idea of the width ot his skills, you have to drop him a visit. A first look at his website isn't eloquent enough.
On his website you might still discover that he defines himself, modestly, as an illustrator. Also that he's part of a Collectif P.A.C.S. which has nothing to do with the pacte civil de solidarité (a legal instrument giving to un-maried people some of rights of the maried people), but promotes some "Projets Artistiques Clandestins & Solubles" - Reverso suffered but is now sure of its translation: Secret and soluble Artistic projects. They have a lovely slogan, calling to build a social network with other forms of life, even/especially those who don't come from outer space or from the 4rth dimension.
La vie, dans la mystérieuse turbidité de l’eau saumâtre
organise une communication à notre intention.
Oiseaux, reptiles, batraciens, échassiers, joncs,
moustiques,salicornes, graviers, flaques d’eau, etc,
nous dépêchent un émissaire.
La communication est encore timide,
brouillonne et approximative, énigmatique même
car leurs moyens sont limités et archaïques.
Soyons malgré tout à l’écoute des autres co-locaterres....
No wonder if François Bouët is so mysteriously apt to reveal the virtualities of tree, a shade, or an animal. Some of his ink drawings look like images taken in a fotonovella: a couple of persons, thoughts on love/romance... but the presence of nature is so overwhelming that they look like disabled insects.
"Co-locaterres" is a wonderful imaginary word, meaning both co-eartlings and co-tenants. If you don't respect life you don't respect your life.
François Bouët invited Joan Beall.
This charming lady, born in Biarritz, might be mistaken with an honorable art professor from an english-language country... very professionnal, very technician, smiling as sweetly as a nice expat. The contrast between both artists might be surprising, yet it isn't. There is no war between figuration and abstraction, apparent simplicity and apparent meticulousness. His women are microscopic inhabitants of the world, her women are macroscopic mother-goddesses. She might be an artist, a chemist, a chaman, and this all together. A great teacher, too.
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